Honey Island Swamp Monster

This track above was taken in Death Valley by Don Monroe and MK Davis, measuring around 14-15 inches and six tracks were seen near a cave.
The Honey Island finds of 1972 were an interesting bunch of casts. Honey Island in Louisiana is the site of Harlan Ford's encounter with what came to be named the Honey Island Swamp Monster.
He reported it stood eye level with him and had large amber eyes.
South Carolina reports a "Lizardman of Scape Ore Swamp" and the track above was taken from a supposed print.
Reported to be 7-feet tall with three fingers, this creature was described as angry, even attacking a car.
This one above is in rock, a large print and a smaller print, referred to ask the Delk Footprint.
This is a dinosaur track above. Theropod tracks are pretty distinct. But, some of these "humanoid" ones catch our attention for not being a splayed 3 toes with little pad. They have a human-like length to the foot and heel but three toes.
Could they be alligator?
Five toes on the front legs and limited length. It does have webbing, so it gets a point for that.
Could it be ostrich?
Two toes.
So far, the best culprit is a dinosaur, but the dinosaur hasn't got the webbed look and the toes splay more than this one.
The foot on the Honey Island tracks has definite claws and a human-shaped base.
The emu track above has a claw-like attitude, but nothing else about it resembles the human-like length or the webbing.
Although the foot appears to have a dew claw, there are no dew claws on hind legs of dogs and other animals. We would have to agree it is using its rear legs to walk if it had somehow evolved to walk on its hind legs.

What we do notice about this print is the length. You can see the ligaments that move the toes around are quite prominent. This with the claws dug in leads me to believe this might pull itself when it walks. There is what appears to be webbing between the toes.
The "dew" claw on the side could be a fourth toe that is curled up and digging in like a hand might if you were climbing a rope.
As intriguing as the snowshoe hare hind tracks are, they are certainly not found in Honey Island, Louisiana and they certainly aren't found the size of a man's foot.
Let's look again at the most likely culprit that is of this world today and found in this area - alligator.
The hind leg on an alligator has four toes. Now, we're closer! Look too at how pronounced the bones and ligaments are down the toes - that looks similar.
Looking at this hind foot above, it is very similar. It has webbing, claws, three main toes with a small dew-claw like other toe. The length looks like a human foot.
Still nuances of the foot length and the shape of this cast - they don't line up ideally.
Perhaps we won't ever know what left those tracks. But, we do have a local creature that is prevelant, has the right amount of toes on its rear legs, has webbing and claws....