Every Monday on Ghost Hunting Theories I continue to archive what I consider to be one of the most significant habituation situations documented by researchers. As the series continues along, field notes, photos, audio and video will be revealed on a massive scale.
As the researchers worked to understand the entities they were dealing with, around every corner they found more and more startling evidence and interactions that changed their viewpoint on everything they thought they knew about mankind.
LINK to #3
LINK to #4
At the end of coming installments, I will begin to share videos. These are ones that the team handed over to expert, MK Davis, to review and share.
Please check MK's videos on YouTube and his excellent blog The Davis Report.
These first two videos involve the fence climber - on the fence mentioned above.
This next video was of a Bigfoot wearing the camo poncho left out.
August 30, 2003
West side of the creek ("Bigfoot Preserve") - An older harmonica had been left by Bigfoot in the crook of the tree and had been left in this spot for a number of weeks. This tree is just through the property owner's gate opening to the clearing.
This folding chair (above) has been through quite a pounding, has a decoration on it, was found near the creek.
On August 16th, the setup was done by Dusty. The Bigfoot rewrapped the doll (above), not quite the same as it had been. It is also very dirty. The doll now looks dirty when it had been clean and the towel also is muddy. Other items were put in by the property owner's wife, a bunch of food and drew a picture on the pad and left the pen.
At Dusty's set up with the "door" area, he left out some brown sugar, apple juice, sardines and flowers.
This is above the gifting above that Dusty had left. Tobacco leaf and a small feather have been left by Bigfoot at the top (above). They didn't have tobacco growing around there and the rocks left previously were not local rocks.
A skull (above) was found on the vine between two trees just north of the fire pit. Supposedly these kinds of skulls are prized possessions of Bigfoot and this was left, they believe, for the property owner.
(Above) near the fire pit was what they called a little branch where water could run off, a ditch. After a rain, it would have water running through it. This was near the one-man tent area. Group of bones found in the "branch" near the skull and fire pit - left by Bigfoot.
This bottle was found over a limb. It was taken from the wood shop. This was west of the fire pit. The wood shop was always left unlocked.
A container pile across the "branch" from the fire pit. Jam jars and apple juice plastic bottles, had been scattered and they were collected and set in one place by the Bigfoot.
A blue bowl (above) found on the trail near the clearing west of the camo box - in the west side of the creek, "Bigfoot Preserve" area.
Right footprint found west of the creek near the treehouse. It measured 13 inches x 5 inches across the ball and 4 inches across the heel.
This print (above) was a right foot found near the other. It was 15 inches long x 6 inches across the ball and 4-1/2" by the heel.
This print (above) was found close by the other two but it's a left foot. It was 15 inches in length x 6 inches across the ball of the foot and 4-1/2 inches at the heel width. The stride was 10'3" from right to left foot spacing!
Long hairs (above) found on the fence that runs east to west along the property, running perpendicular with the "highway." (the same fence the fence climber climbed over - see end of post). Two different colors of hair. The researchers weren't sure if this was Bigfoot, but they cross the fence coming from the wildlife management area.
A red bowl found just north of the fence that the hairs were found on. It had been near the camo blind near the clearing.
Dusty's setup had been moved around to this location; tires with chains and "wilson" ball and a black tire stuck in the crook of the tree. These had all been another spot and were moved here.
Another angle shotof the setup with tires the Bigfoot had done (above). You can see another tire way up at the top of the pic. A half gourd on top of the decoration ribbon and 2 bottles.
Coconut shell, towel, red decoration and chair have been moved to that spot by the Bigfoot.
Dusty's army gray t-shirt (above) moved from the fence to this tree, near the treehouse by Bigfoot.
The deflated beach ball, tire tube, and Dusty's Coleman lantern all relocated to this one post on the east garden fence. This was done by Bigfoot. (this is the same fence the Fence Climber was filmed going over near the garden).
Dusty's navy blue shirt removed from the east garden and found approximately 20 feet in the tree near the fence that the hairs were on.
Dusty's red shirt taken from the main fence and also found 20 feet up in a tree just north of the same fence the navy blue shirt was near. This was done by Bigfoot.

A red bow and orange kercheif on the limb, broken from the tree, placed against the tree and Dusty's camo poncho is in the crook of the tree behind the ladder. This is the tree house tree (see wood steps hammered into tree?) Placed by Bigfoot.
Chair in treehouse they put up there to sit in. Monkey doll taken from camo blind out on the property and put up in the chair. Also a brown t-shirt, wood beads and other beads. This was done by Bigfoot.
The mirror had been moved by Bigfoot (above). There is scrap tin pile nearby.
One footprint (above), a right one. The length is 18 inches, 5-1/2 inches across the ball, 4-1/2" across the heel. This was found near the clearing on the small trail going from food bucket #3. This was Northwest of the camo box.
A right hand print - 9 inches across (above), found near the footprint. Right thumb on the outside.
This is the cabin (above) in the back of the property. Two friends of the property owners, posing at the cabin. Dusty had hung his t-shirts up including the one on the post.
Out in the property owner's pasture on the east side of the creek (above). Dusty set up a food bucket on the tree near the power pole with Bigfoot t-shirt hanging on the pole. The pole has a light on top.
A tilt pan camera set up on the cabin (above). T-shirt was attached to the powerline by Dusty.
Bigfoot t-shirt, an alarm clock, a cooler, a table, a blackboard with chalk. There was an image drawn on there for the Bigfoot to see if they might draw too. Property owner's wife put a person shape and her name and then the outline of a Sasquatch.
Dusty found a different camo poncho rolled up in the crook of this tree (above) just to the south of the footprints and handprint.
Dusty's setup around the treehouse (above). All items were brought to this point.
Same setup as above with all items around the treehouse.
Styrofoam ice chest with cross markings. This chest was used until the Bigfoot brought back the other ice chest. The property owner's wife drew a picture of herself with a sad face when they had taken the good ice chest. They eventually brought it back. But, she left this styrofoam one in the mean time and the Bigfoot put these cross shapes on it.
The collection (above) the property owner's wife had from things the Bigfoot had left her over time. She kept this on a shelf in her house.
A copper cross (above) found wrapped hanging from a vine between two trees near the firepit. The Bigfoot left this and they don't know where it came from.
Dusty's setup (above) additions to the earlier setup - mineral block was added and a Bigfoot keychain atop the sardines that are atop the mineral block.
Food bucket #3 is now empty (above). Corn had been put in earlier in the day and by afternoon, it was gone.
The half lid from bucket #3 on the ground nearby (above). This is typical at that bucket. The half lid was snapped on to keep things from falling out.
Half-eaten corn on the bank of the creek from food bucket #3.
At the frisbee post, sweets were opened up and eaten.
From feeder bucket #4 east of the creek, half eaten corn had been put in that morning, found half eaten.
At the end of coming installments, I will begin to share videos. These are ones that the team handed over to expert, MK Davis, to review and share.
Please check MK's videos on YouTube and his excellent blog The Davis Report.
These first two videos involve the fence climber - on the fence mentioned above.
This next video was of a Bigfoot wearing the camo poncho left out.
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