This is the reporting by a Bigfoot researcher of an ongoing study in the Southern part of the United States in a very large park area near homes and urban setting.
Journal Volume 3
Field Visit #25
Friday, June 17, 2016
Since I was here just yesterday, this is a short report. There are 16 photos for this report.
I arrived at the park at 2 PM. The temperature was 97, very hot, humid, with blue skies and high clouds.
By 2:15 PM, I had geared up and was ready to bike to the site. I left the parking lot and arrived at the 1B entry at 2:30 PM.
I walked over to the pipes and the set-up from yesterday had not changed. I then walked the rest of the site with the following observations since yesterday.
#1. One of the wrappers was now on top of the rear of the bucket.?????
#1. One of the wrappers was now on top of the rear of the bucket.?????
#2. and #3. Two more of the empty food wrappers on the ground. ?????
#4. I brought more food items for the bucket.
#5. I put the food items in the bucket, and put the heavy rock on top off the items.
#6. I hung the sheet on the vine. I also have the map case with different color cans of spray paint. hung next to the sheet. I painted a design on the sheet. In the upper left corner, with a black marker, I drew a map of this location. I was hoping a design would be added to the sheet from ????
#7. A closer photo of the above items.
#8. and #9. Back at the pipes, I had laid across the small path/trail a long & thick limb. This was done yesterday but I didn't notice till now. It was broken into 3 pieces.?????
#10. and #11. I took the long portion of the broken up limb and placed it thru a tree near one of the pipes. This limb hangs directly over the small path.
#12. A much close photo of the edge of the sheet with my drawings and map case with cans of paint.
#13. I took 3 ground limbs and added to the rock in the food bucket. I hope to find all 4 on the ground next visit.
#14. and #15. I found these possible stick signs on the path, on the way to the food bucket. ???? I acknowledged by adding a rock on each.
#16. Before leaving the site, I did this set-up in the pipe I use for storage. On the right is a nice walking stick I found on the site. The other is a 2X4, I use to knock to announce my arrival. I added the 4 balls.
I don't expect anything to happen to these. I have used this pipe for more than a year to store many items I leave in order not to have to carry out. Items I have left are: Nice back pack stuffed with multi-use tool equipment items, Bionic ear-parabolic dish, nice camp chair, camcorder tri-pod, a nice DeWalt tool bag. Now and then, a zipper may be open but nothing is taken. I typically would not leave, to me, valuable items for someone to take, if found.
I continue to leave items when necessary because I feel they are protected??? Strange, huh? That's how I feel.
This concludes field report #25 for Friday June 17, 2016.
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