I am about to present a hypothesis I've concluded based on observations in my Bigfoot research and supported by findings of Denisovans' DNA.
In this paper, I am joined by researcher James Carroll in breaking this down, for understanding and cohesion, having each brought to the discussion invaluable research and concepts.
This is an extensive posting and I promise, well worth the read. You are about to be taken into a world of understanding that will have you never thinking of man (in any form he comes in) quite the same again. For me, it certainly opened my mind even more about all the ways to process the world and how vastly different it is from man to man.
As a researcher, I have received accounts from across the country of encounters with Bigfoot and have studied their sounds and language, stick and rock configurations, and come to some conclusions based on Bigfoots' behavior, OCD-like tendencies, secrecy, and the nature of "archaic" brains. This hypothesis might shed light on their ways.
Disclaimer: As with anything in the field of Bigfoot research, it is tenuous at best. As Bigfoot has yet to be actually proven under scientific scrutiny, we can only come to conclusions based on study of behavior and comparisons with the forms of man. This is my hypothesis based on research and seeing patterns in behavior and correlations with "archaic" man's brain.
I offer the links, as always, to follow the dotted lines and see where it takes you. I am always encouraging readers to do their own research and explore the unsolved mysteries with passion and integrity.
Much of the information here comes from a chapter in a book by John Harris, Rewiring Neuroscience, and specifically Chapter 15, The Brain of the Denisovan Girl
Let's begin with some ways the brain can work, especially in "archaic" brain types. In studies of skull shapes, (Neumann skull classifications), the otamid skull shape (elongated/pointed looking with os inca bone/interpareital boes) was an "archaic" type harkening back to Homo erectus lineage. This shape has been found around the world in some indigenous people such as the Yaghans of Tiera del Fuego and the Karankawa of the Texas coast line. This is a skull shape we popularly see with Bigfoot, as well.
It may not be enough alone to just look at skull shape, as today there are archaic throwback features on brilliant modern people, but we can all agree that the Bigfoot do not think or behave like us, are not in communities, using technology, and are expert at mastering the forest to remain hidden. Now, we have more reason to look at the archaic brain type.
Let us give you two definitions to get a sense of where we are going in our discussion -
Autism - a mental condition present from early childhood, characterized by difficult in communicating and forming relatioships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts.
Synesthesia - Neurological phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. People who report such experiences are known as synesthetes.
Now, we will proceed with a thorough discussion of these aspects of the human mind and how they might relate to our subject - Bigfoot.
Autism/Autistic Savants
Autism: A mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts. In fact, those born missing the right/left brain connection often have autism. Savant: A person who might be categorized as mentally handicapped or even brilliant, but has an exceptional ability in an area of study, such as numbers, photographic memory, languages, or music.
Looking at the Denisovans' DNA -
(SOURCE) At this point, what jumps out from this listing of 23 genes (Denisovans) is the curious implication of autism.
Autism is an umbrella word. Autism is such a broad diagnosis that it can include people with high IQ’s and mental retardation. People with autism can be chatty or silent, affectionate or cold, methodical or disorganized. Until 2013 there were five formally recognized forms of autism. This list was reduced to three broader type definitions in 2013. Because autism is a diagnosis it is regarded as an illness, disorder or condition. But it can also be understood as a gift.
Many people who have been diagnosed as autistic have an astonishing gift for visualization and pictorial thinking. It has been suggested and we will urge here that this gift is an atavism — a re-expression or resurgence of an ancient style of thinking. Following is some speculation about this possibility, a gathering of cards that have just now landed face up on the table....
The result suggests autism and synesthesia are somehow related or are different aspects of the same biological story. (more on synesthesia later)
Recently, a new theory was put forth about why we had three major mass extinctions in the past and line it up with selinium. Source: Trace elements such as zinc, copper, cobalt, manganese and selenium, in particular, are required for life in doses that have a very specific tolerance range. Too much or too little selenium can be toxic.
This might give us an idea of how delicate the balance is for man's formation of higher intelligence and the jump from right brain to connections between both hemispheres.
Bigfoot, showing a skull shape referred to as "otamid" or archaic, might very well possess an archaic brain that does not communicate well between left and right halves. Should they be directly a Denisovan in heritage, then their right-brained type would be passed down. If this were the case, then we have a ready explanation for why they are not technologically oriented as we are. And, also, why Homo sapiens lasted, by utilizing both sides of the brain and working together in a technology-focused way, managing to overcome the dangers by working as a group with language that advances knowledge to beat the elements and design better tools. Add to that, the smaller skull shape of Homo sapiens, making us more survivable in the birthing process, gave us an edge up on archaic man.
SOURCE: Left brain thinking is verbal and analytical. Right brain is non-verbal and intuitive, using pictures rather than words.
It could be said, if you are right brained, you might enjoy drum circles, chanting, making art, playing music, and having vision quests. If you are left brained, you might like conversations, cell phones, video games, and multitasking.
In the case of Bigfoot's language, a huge deal of their time is spent imitating and perfecting animals, but also speaking and making odd sounds when completely alone. We tend to like purposeful speech. They, however, might use this as a trigger for visualizations and enhancing emotions. Sure, we talk to ourselves sometimes, but theirs is almost rhythmic, chanting and aligns with the sound equals visual memory cited here below -
SOURCE: Suppose our ancestor, sitting by himself in a tree one night, started playing with his synesthesia by deliberately making lots of different vocal noises and noticing the mental pictures and colors they could induce inside his head.
In our model of a modern human brain, images from memory, once recalled, surface “from out of nowhere.” The energetic Fourier processing that produces these visual memories is invisible, offstage. In an ancestral primate brain, however, maybe some Fourier processing was visible and impinged upon the animal’s conscious reality. Fourier patterns induced by sounds might be read from a Fourier plane in the brain. We have modeled this component as a retina of memory.
An interesting way to entertain oneself in a tree, yes. Sing a little song and watch a film strip of remembered images from the past.
But imagine the new power to communicate this discovered skill gave to this synesthetic ape. The learned whistle-whine-warble that induced in his own head the image of a bear — would also have the power to induce the image of a bear inside the head of every family member and cousin within earshot.
A very primitive part of our brain might recall this synesthetic connection so that what seems like psychic skills, deja vu, and the like might be activated by something as simple as scent or sound. And, if we believe Bigfoot might elicit a sound to create a visual, the much talked about possible psychic skills of Bigfoot could be explained by an implanted visual or sensation activated by their sounds. If we throw the use of infrasound (sound frequency below our ability to consciously hear but able to unsettle us), we further the concept that Bigfoot could utilize very interesting tools that seem like magic to those of us today who ride the right and left brains equally. It touches something primitive in us.
Imagine the mind of a synesthete who uses sounds to recall info, play back memories. Now, some of the odd sounds reported by Bigfoot and "babble" talk make sense if they are communicating a situation or memory by utilizing a sound. In fact, this retrieval system may put them a step ahead of us in some aspects, like communicating warning, urgency, and directions with one simple sound. What we have to put in sentences, they can do with a simple whoop.
We often ponder if Bigfoot has exceptional hearing, as they seem to know we are coming. This might give a perspective -
Source: Eye contact is a simple human reaction to communication and that reaction within them does not exist. Even the simple activity of pointing to something you want can be lost in translation to the untrained parent or teacher. If the child is pointing at a cookie, the cookie may not be the object of his or her desire. The cookie is a symbol that may represent that they are hungry or it may be so abstract that the shape of the cookie, round, is the same shape as the toilet and they need to use the restroom. Even color may be an indication of a connection between a want and an abstract idea. It takes time and observation and a lot of out of the box thinking to link the communication patterns of an autistic individual.
Knowing this, one might extrapolate why Bigfoot's odd actions and reactions, fixation on shapes and orders may represent something altogether different than what we register when we see a "X" or the color blue.
Synesthesia: (Wikipedia) Neurological phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. People who report such experiences are known as synesthetes.
Commonly, we see people who picture a color associated with a number, smell a musical note, and the like, a kind of crossing of the senses.
I am synesthetic for time and space, storing information in a sort of 3D grid around me for retrieval and days of the week and months in a 3D pattern projecting from me into space around me. It also gives me an interesting ability to store, remember, and retrieve info.
It has been found that autistic people have a higher incidence of synesthesia, suggesting they might be related biologically. (LINK)
What did we learn from Denisovan DNA and the difference between archaic humans and modern humans? Is it a matter of man coordinating both sides of the brain in a well-maintained orchestration versus being purely right-brained?
Vision Quests/Cave Visions
Native People take hallucinogenics and enter a state that is incredibly like synesthesia. Hallucinogens basically rewire the brain where they see colors associated with non-visual stimuli. This is almost exactly how autistics with synesthesia see the world too. This "awakening" is seeing the world with new dimensions, mental connections more like our archaic parts of the brain, and sparking the "artist's inspiration."
Yes, it is attractive, and I think that vision quests were not spiritual musings but a desire to tap our archaic brain which is still there, and why use of DMT and peyote to open people's consciousness and near-death experiences are life-changing. You are suddenly adding a "dimension" to your understanding.
So, next time someone considers an autistic person as being limited, the fact is they are rather unlimited. What they can recreate with that mindset is stunning and awe-inspiring. They have expanded consciousness.
Yes, it is attractive, and I think that vision quests were not spiritual musings but a desire to tap our archaic brain which is still there, and why use of DMT and peyote to open people's consciousness and near-death experiences are life-changing. You are suddenly adding a "dimension" to your understanding.
So, next time someone considers an autistic person as being limited, the fact is they are rather unlimited. What they can recreate with that mindset is stunning and awe-inspiring. They have expanded consciousness.

Cave paintings by archaic man were likely NOT spiritual renderings. they were synesthetic archiving of things seen every day.
The alien-like faces could be the result of facial amnesia and autism creating a people who do not know what faces look like other than vagueness. Here, they record the people they share territory with in a collective and vague-mass. Synesthetes' art is nearly identical to this - it's about depth of field spatially and symbols representing other things.
Faces in fingers? Or simply synesthetic expression of every thing is living - everything has eyes... The assumption art is spiritual might be very wrong, it is the mind of right-brained people. In fact, note that these are left hand prints above. Is left-handedness (right brain driven), synesthesia, facial blindness, obsessive-compulsive disorder, visual intelligence and autism parts of the archaic brain? Parts that today pop up in the population, perhaps? And, might ADHD be a throwback to the time of transition to utilizing both hemispheres equally? Well, these are things to ponder.
Above is a piece of art by a synesthete, Kardinsky. Familiar look of cave art, hmm? If archaic brains were synesthetic, this is the way they interpret the world. We look at this art, knowing it was made today by an artist and we call it abstract, but we see it on a cave wall and we call it spiritual renderings.
This artist (above), Carol Steen, expresses synesthesia in her art. She perceives numbers as colors, letters and seeing colors if she hears certain sounds. She has incorporated this into her work. If red and green mean certain numbers and letters, even sounds to her, then this work above might have a meaning those of who are not synesthetes, would miss. It gives you a new perspective on ancient art, its odd alien-looking features, obsessions, and even colors. Perhaps when they gazed upon their work the shapes represented something unrelated to the subject matter, perhaps they hear sounds, smelled odors....
Left hands. These were done by spitting out paint like a spray gun onto the hand.
Bigfoot are often reported favoring the left hand, prying things, lifting things to their mouths, opening things, steadying themselves, raising a hand to cover the eyes. In fact, one researcher I know has hand castings and, well, lefties. If this is the archaic brain type, we might assume archaics were lefties.
Left-handedness could be an archaic throwback, something like Neanderthal's red hair in the population, or folks who have a pronounced brow ridge. Today, it is just a novelty but with the connection of left and right brain communication, no longer a dominating factor but a genetic remembrance.
Spatial giftedness and visual intelligence - two qualities found in synesthetes. If Bigfoot is synesthetic, this would explain our inability to see them in a forest, their ability to become one with it. Bigfoot is not a big stupid creature, but someone who interprets the world differently, is aware of space around them and cataloging information, archiving sights and sounds in ways that make them the forest "rain man" and we haven't a chance up against a nature magician and savant. They literally know the space around them and what is happening where - an incredible spatial giftedness.
I was lucky enough to be handed a deer skull believed to be handled by a Bigfoot and the psychometric visions I got were very unusual. I look back now at the psychic reading I did and realize I was seeing things through a right-brained visionary. For the reading I did, go to this POST.
If a Bigfoot makes goofy sounds, they are doing it because sound and visuals go hand in hand. In fact, we can assume each clan has its own language based on what they collectively associate. The "PHEW" sounds might bring up images of a member who once tripped and fell. Instead of telling a story to the clan, they make the "Tall Boy fell over the wild boar" sound and they all laugh with memory. Their storage of memories is associated with visuals, with sound, with humming....
When you look at autistic people, some of these things, like facial identity, or understanding emotions or seeking socialization are vacant, and fixation is on rhythms, patterns, textures, and sounds. I had a neighbor who had a son who was autistic. Some of his day's therapy was playing music and letting him chant to it for hours on end. The autistic mind, as well, likes linear ordering of objects, or what we often refer to as OCD (obesssive-compulsive) tendencies. I think we can all agree that Bigfoot show signs of high anxiety and hyperalertness.
Might native legends be elaborate by the very way prehistoric man saved stories or viewed events? And the spiritual, the sense of "other" was poignant for right-brained minds. If they spoke of a woman becoming a rock, was this spiritual or was it mind associations?
(Source) Brick Johnstone (professor of health psychology in the School of Health Professions) says the right side of the brain is associated with self-orientation, whereas the left side is associated with how individuals relate to others.
It would appear that man's ability to work both sides of the brain allowed for both creative expression and ability to see oneself as part of a group.

The slope skull study (found in Humboldt Sink, Nevada near the infamous Lovelock Cave - supposed location of a Paiute vs red-haired giant showdown) I showcased in THIS POST, showed some interesting findings. It matched slope skulls of Karankawa (Texas Coast), Baja and Tiera Del Fuego (Yaghan) Coastal Indians.
These "archaic" skull types did not match Native American, but had some comparisons to the Australian Aboriginal skull shape. This would reflect origins of Denisovan influence. Denisovan DNA has been found in aboriginal people and Polynesians and these people show that they excel at visual intelligence.
It would seem that the right-brained, visually-oriented, synesthetic, artistic types and the left-brained, logical, and communicative sides of man were balanced through the process of inter-mating between types of man, to provide us the ability to both go on vision quests, hold information in a synesthetic savant-like manner, and yet work together as a community, caring for each other's feelings and well being to make fast-growing societies, technology, soul-satisfying beauty, and relationships that help us to survive. It seems that any "out of whack" balance in these aspects of us creates "disorders."
Bigfoot's "archaic" brain wiring
How might we take this knowledge of archaic brains and apply it to study of shy, orderly, and strangely "psychic" Bigfoot whose origins could very well be Denisovan or other archaic man?
Suggested experiment: Draw a deer in the dirt and place 3 equal length twigs side by side like Roman numeral III. Now, draw another deer next to it and take 3 equal length twigs and toss them inside halfhazardly. See if they come and take the three twigs and line them up in this drawing like you did in the other drawing. This would show a visual association and need for order. Now, the number III sign is "deer."
Suggested experiment: Take colored items (like our Urban Sasquatch researcher), perhaps tires or other objects, each a different color. Keep the pattern the same, lay them out, say white, yellow, red, blue. If they are moved, put them back in that order. Keep doing this for a few months. Now, change the order. See what the reaction is to change in a pattern.
Suggested experiment: Sing the same song every time you enter the woods. Make it your kind of TV show theme song. Bring a treat. Leave it in the same place each time and sing another song as you leave. Do this repeatedly to train your coming and going being predictable with the music and resulting in a food treat.
Knowing that sound and visuals are tied together, that they might process sounds as a kind of overload, and that they are self oriented rather than other oriented, you can begin to work with what might please them, from windchimes to whirlygigs, and most especially predictability. We do know they toss away things that don't belong, follow twig patterns and breaks/arches/rock stacks, and are more comfortable around us when we are always in the same places, same time, same sounds.
Does Bigfoot have an autistic mind? A synesthetic mind? An archaic mind? Are they right brained? We will not have an answer to this until we can scientifically observe one or their DNA, but we can compare their head shape and their behavior and have a window back in time to our own beginnings.
They have incredible strengths and some vulnerabilities. They aren't quite like us, but they are no less worthy. It's apples and oranges when it comes to comparing us. We can all agree, however, that they do not wish to interact with us more than necessary, they do not live like we do, and they have some skills we are lacking, as we have skills they are lacking. For that reason alone, these people are to be treated with respect and understanding of their sensitivities.
What might be Bigfoot's favorite movie? More than likely Disney's "Fantasia."
More info:
Left-handed art study in Australia
Were Denisovans autistic savants?
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