Long Island Bigfoot, Report #2

(This is a post by Karl Sup, part 1 was in
yesterday's posting)

Long Island Bigfoot #2 

Central Long Island, New York (City Withheld), November-December 2014

When our team received the word that we were relocating out to Long Island for the remainder of the project, I was really excited. I had been pining to get back out into the woods again. Fall was in full force, and the dense, rich green colors were transforming into a spectacular red, yellow and orange palette. I only had two weeks in November and two weeks in December on-site, so I was hopeful to carve out some time from my insane work schedule to do some serious investigation. Unfortunately, I couldn’t break away from work until Wednesday to get in some daylight investigation time.

I drove back over to the commercial center on my lunch break, and parked near the trail into the woods, and hiked in. Mind you, business casual is typically not good bushwhacking apparel, but I had to capitalize on whatever opportunity was presented. There was a distinctive split in the trail with one heading north-northeast and the other heading west-southwest. I headed west, and found evidence that something had moved through this trail that paralleled the parking lot and headed to the woods bordering the next commercial property. There were two trees in the middle of many undisturbed trees that had been broken and twisted. Both trees were broken in the same manner and pointed in the same direction toward the parking lot. They were about 75 feet into the woods, and their trunks had been about 4 inches in diameter. 

The breaks were about 6-8 months old. There was evidence of new sprouting on the branches from springtime. I hiked back out and headed back to the office. 

Later that night, I walked from the hotel over to the edge of the woods and spoke words of friendship again without any response. The next day I flew back to Phoenix. 

The next week paid dividends beyond my wildest imagination. Monday was an insane work day and I couldn’t get away. On Tuesday morning while eating breakfast at the hotel, I decided to snag myself an extra apple and squirreled it away in my rental car. During lunch break, I drove back over to the woods and hiked in with the apple. I took the north-northeast trail this time. I did not get very far when I came across a bird kill. All that remained were feathers. That’s when I noticed a trash pile about 20 feet away. It was an odd combination of a red Solo cup, empty Gatorade and Powerade bottles and the like. I would have expected food wrappers and similar trash. Six feet from the trash was a stick structure that was made of branches and vines. All the foliation was now gone from this structure. The stick ends had been twisted and broken long ago (see photos). I decided this would be a good location to leave the apple. I found a nearby tree and wedged the apple into the nook of a branch about 7 feet off the ground.

I passed the trash pile again on my way out when something in it caught my eye. It was a Dixon Redimark™ 8700 black marker with an aluminum body to the pen. 

Something had crushed the tube of the pen in two distinct parallel lines, like fingers. I tried to line up the crush lines with my fingers, and the spread and width of the fingers was significantly greater. There were no scratches or finish damage to the pen. The cap was still on it, and there appeared to be teeth marks closer to the cap in the pen body and cap itself. I took the cap off, and found the felt tip had been pushed into the tube. These markers are pretty stinky. I took the pen and headed back to work. I went out and bought a new marker, and could not even put a dent into the cylinder with my hand.

Early the next morning I headed over to the woods to check on the apple. To my excitement, the apple was gone! In its place in the branch nook was a small, rounded smooth piece of quartz. 

I have never been re-gifted before. This was a first. I collected the rock, and headed into work. I shared the news with a few researchers, and one told me to put the rock back. Over lunch I put the rock back, but placed it on the broken trunk of a nearby tree. The top half of this tree was oddly not in the vicinity.

Late that night, I went back to the woods. I used my cell phone flashlight app to follow the trail in the dark. I found the broken tree and to my surprise, the rock was missing. On a whim, I walked over to the branch nook of the tree the apple had been in and the rock was sitting there. This time, I took and kept the rock. It seemed the only polite thing to do. 

The next morning was my last morning before flying out. I got another apple, and went over early to the woods. I placed the apple in the nook, and hurried into the office. On my way out to JFK Airport, I made a quick stop to check on the apple. It was gone! In its place was another small, rectangular rock. 

I collected the rock and jetted back to Phoenix, glad to get home but sad I would have to wait another two weeks before getting back to Long Island.

December brought much cooler temperatures, more rain and less foliage. My first opportunity that initial week was late at night when the rains had let up. This time, I walked over armed with two apples to deploy. 

I could tell in the moonlight that the density of the forest was much thinner. As I walked up to the trail entering the woods, I felt very uneasy as if I was trespassing. It was not very welcoming. I decided not to enter, but instead placed one apple on the grass and took a photo of its placement. I pulled the second apple from my pocket, once again saying some words of friendship and started to eat the apple. I took two good, loud bites, chewed, then walked slowly back to the hotel.

The next morning, Thursday, I went to check on the apple. Employees at the corporate center were arriving at work, and there was lots of traffic. I pulled up to the trail entrance, and found the apple still sitting exactly where I had left it. I decided I would quickly place the apple in the stick structure near the trash pile and leave. 

I walked in a short distance when I saw two footprints in the wet forest litter behind a vegetation screen that were fresh (see photos below). For reference, I wear a size 14 shoe. There were depressions of toes in the prints. I continued down the trail and wedged the apple into the sticks. A small nub pierced the bottom of the apple as well. Once again, I flew home that afternoon. Results would have to wait.

On Monday morning, I checked on the apple. It was gone. Nothing had been gifted, but the location didn’t really lend itself to placement of anything. There was evidence of back and forth traffic of large, overlapping prints on the trail. I decided the next day I would gift more apples. Tuesday morning delivered the nasty end of a Nor’easter to Long Island with high winds and heavy rains. Wednesday brought snow flurries that finally accumulated throughout the day. Late that night before I turned in for the evening, I walked over to the woods. There were no prints in the snow exiting the forest. The next morning was a hectic rush in getting packed for the afternoon flight. By 10 a.m., all of the snow had melted and had turned the trail into a muddy muck. Not willing to sacrifice my dress shoes, I sadly withdrew. Later that day, I sadly found out that the following work week would be at the Manhattan offices.

*Stay tuned - I plan to continue this urban Sasquatch venture into the new year.*

Karl Sup is a software architect, developer and analyst, and an avid Bigfoot researcher working in the mountains of Arizona for many years. During this research and in other states including Maryland and Wisconsin, he has been fortunate enough to interact with and view multiple subjects over the years. Karl also has had decades of audio analysis and editing experience, and assisted in helping M.K. Davis clean up and enhance audio from VHS tapes he has been studying and discovered the presence of infrasound within those recordings.
