The Solomon Islands are in the South Pacific Northeast of Australia, east of Indonesia. The giants here are not only spoken of, but spoken of in the present tense - as beings who still coexist.
I'm interested in the giants of this region for several reasons. One of the reasons is that the reported footprints and bones in Australia, Indonesia, and South Pacific islands are much larger than anywhere else in the world, sometimes placing these giants in the 20+ foot range. As well, the giants reported to land in copper mining areas like Peru, the Imperial Valley, Texas coastline to head up the Mississippi region, were all very well seasoned boat builders and voyagers. If there was a birth place for ancient giants, the South Pacific seems a plausible location.
From native mythology in that location -
Qat, the Great Spirit who made everything, and his twelve brothers were invited to spend the night in the house of a giant named Qasavara. The giant intended to kill them while they slept and eat them, but Qat opened a crack in one of the beams of the house and the brothers hid inside the beam. In the end, Qasavara became so frustrated that one morning he chased Qat and his brothers up a casuarina tree. Qat caused the tree to grow so long that when it bent over, the tip touched a neighboring island. The brothers jumped off and the tree, released from the extra weight, sprang back, throwing Qasavara high into the sky. When Qasavara struck the ground, he died and was transformed into a stone. This stone still existed in recent times: those who desired success and strength in battle would make sacrifices upon it. Another lesser-known version portrays Qasavara as the gatherer of the spirits of the damned, who he then feeds to mythical monsters.
Source: According to very numerous local reports,
surviving giants live inside the rainforest jungle mountain ranges of Guadalcanal.
They have vast cave systems running the length of the entire island. Australian Marius Boirayon, a retired helicopter
pilot/engineer who is married to a Solomon Islander, has come across many Guadaleanal
people who believe these giants can travel from cast to west through these cave
systems without seeing the light of day. It is believed that their population
numbers in the thousands.
One credible witness to these
is a once Prime Minister and the previous Guadalcanal Premier, Ezekiel Alebua.
He recalls that when he was a child his father took him to a burial cave in east
Guadalcanal. Inside was a complete skeleton that must be around 15 feet in length. To the local population on
Guadalcanal, giants are common knowledge. Interaction with giants has been frequent
through their history. The giant’s territory is a 1,000 square kilometre area
of mountains covered in tropical jungle west of Mount Popomanaseu.
Local tribes, not only in Guadalcanal,
but in most parts of the Solomon Islands have recorded a tumultuous historical
relationship with the giants. The area is rich in memories of such encounters. Giants allegedly still survive
on Santa Isabel Island. Although they are fewer in number than on Guadalcanal,
there are two areas where they live. Any local person is able to steer you in
the right direction. Another of the Solomon Islands
is Choiseul. The island of Choiseul is not small. Some 300 kilometres long by
80 kilometres wide, it numerous villages. But there is one large area of its interior
where no village exists. And apparently with good reason…living giants.
- I've often wondered if ancient giants were hairy - there aren't many descriptions of them, since they live before written documents, but some that appear to have lingered in remote areas are described, like these in Solomon Islands. This is very telling. Bones don't show us if they were covered in body hair and them existing 10s of thousands of years ago, no witnesses reported them. It intrigues me to think that perhaps they have always been just as Sasquatch and Yowie are today. -
SOURCE: To my understanding, there are three different species or types of these
Giants. The larger and more commonly seen are over 10 foot tall, but I have
come across numerous Islander accounts with evidence that supports that they
do grow much taller than that. These Giants have very long black, brown or
reddish hair, or a mixture and when they want to have a good look at you,
they pull it aside from their face with one hand. They have a protruding
double eyebrow, bludging red eyeballs, and flat nose wide gapped mouth
facial features, and have an unmistakeable odour, which the coastal people
would once use as a sign of their presence, depending on the wind. From the
large hairy type, they range down in size with reducing amounts of body
hair. The smaller version, although bigger than normal human beings, are
like a wild man living in the jungle and are not as hairy as the big ones.
This is the way the Guadalcanal Islanders describe them. Inherently, when
they see these small giant half human people, they make efforts to kill
them. These smaller versions are lower down in the Giant social order,
living predominately outside their caves systems in the jungle, although all
three (types) are found in the Island’s jungle. Incidentally, there are many
newspaper reports, even recently, of these hairy Giants in Papua New Guinea,
and also may I say that I know for a fact that the Vanuatu people have also
had a similar past with their Giants as the Solomon Islanders have had, as
those that follow up on my research will find out.
Article about Solomon Island Giants in detail
Posting about it in some detail here
Solomon Island Mysteries by Marius Boirayon
The Most Mysterious Places On Earth by Nick Redfern
The Discovery of the Solomon Islands by Alvararo De Mendana (Solomon Islands)
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