I'll try to do columns for different cities and what I've found there, as well as a column on day trips. Later today I'll probably do a column on a daytrip to Mayer.
Mesa, Arizona is the most haunted portion of the Valley of the Sun by my estimation. If you stop in the middle of the growing confusion and crowding, you can slow time down just enough to feel something heavy, something watching, something humming at a strange frequency--not with sound, but with vibrations that ripple through your body.
My conjecture on the matter is that Mesa is haunted by the extensive HoHoKam canal system that ran through it in ancient days by a culture who vanished mysteriously. Living in the desert and waterways being the difference between life and death, surely springs were spiritual centers as well as practicalities. No one knew how to manage their water like the HoHoKam. For a good map of where the canals ran in the olden days (portrayed in the pale blue lines on the map) go to here.
Strangely, when you look at the top 10 most haunted places in America compared to water and railroad tracks, they all fall close to both. The question is, were railroad tracks merely bringing bodies over the same piece of land, therefore haunting it with memories, or were train tracks found in more populated areas thus being more likely they were close to centers of tragedy and human trials, or is there something in steel that conducts spiritual energy? We don't have answers to that, but keep your eye on the combination of canals and train tracks in relation to haunted areas, as well as water and springs and granite and quartz.
If you're hungry and want to get atmosphere in an historic and supposedly haunted building, I'd suggest the Landmark Restaurant in Mesa at 809 W. Main St. (east of Alma School near Extension and Main). This building used to be a Mormon Church, originally seated in the area of the main dining room. It was expanded on in 1939. The church moved to a bigger site in the 1950s. It then became Mesa Community College. It also housed another restaurant. Eventually, it became the Landmark and has remained so for a long time.
For ghosts, here's a simple film on YouTube about it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xK7c_OvhYj8
Admittedly, we had the place to ourselves after hours and one of the biggest comments by investigators were the sounds in the kitchen of pots moving, banging, low voices speaking. There are reports of the faucet turning on the women's bathroom, as well as many other random acts around the building. Personally, the main dining area upstairs had a very strange feel to it and it was almost as if you could see the church of long ago superimposed upon it. It had a very definite uneasiness and I had a sense of a young woman studying the world outside the central windows and daydreaming. The floor also pitches a bit from where the hostess station is down into the dining room, thus making waiters trip a lot and giving more stories about ghosts messing with them. The stairs to the bottom level have a very weird feel that everyone picked up on. The bathroom didn't have any particular feel to it that night, but the long hall and rooms downstairs have a tense feel, although when you're dealing with basement levels, it can be just the feeling of earth around you. I think it's definitely worth a try. This place has a neat feel to it you don't run into in The Valley very often and the food is very good.
City of Mesa Cemetery is my favorite moody Valley cemetery. It's beautiful and green and has a ridiculous amount of Cypress trees. Neighbors use it as a thru-way but also jog and walk dogs and push strollers through it, so it's a very intriguing spot. There are parts of the cemetery that seem a bit uneasy and I have gotten a few strange unexplained photographic findings. The place doesn't work for EVP (too many airplanes overhead). They also tend to close the gates at sunset and they have someone patrolling it, so it's not a good after dark place. My suggestion would be to arrive near sunset and park near the gate so they see your car. The place gets dark on its own just from the huge trees. They're very polite about escorting you when they're closing the gates there. There's a section in the northern part of the cemetery that houses all the babies and that's a very unsettling spot. Not far from that in the NW section we found an entire family wiped out on the same day--house fire?
Other mentionables: Williams Air Force Base site has supposedly heard voices. The officer's club and VA Hospital are supposedly haunted. Jefferson Park at 306 S. Jefferson Ave. (on Jefferson 2 blocks west of Power). A woman who was raped and killed there supposedly walks from tree to tree. Not a lot of Mesa residents will readily admit their issues in their private homes regarding activity, but this area seems to be particularly disturbed. Perhaps its the Mormon population that keeps a lot of folks from talking about it or dealing with it, but nearly all the older buildings in the downtown historic area have a very strong powerful feel to them. I'd say the epicenter of activity there is somewhere around Broadway and Country Club and spreads out in consecutive rings from there. Oddly, that epicenter also correlates with the historic HoHoKam site that is closed off behind the hospital.
Give Mesa a try and most definitely keep in mind that HoHoKam canal map and note if those areas where they converge to spread out are more strange feeling. I bet you feel it too. I personally like the feel, kind of like that weird good/bad feeling you'd have visiting an elderly grandmother with a dusty house. You know there's love there, but you also don't like the smell and feel and old stuff everywhere looking sun bleached and crumbly, and her voice is kind of deep so it startles you, but at the same time she hugs you so sweetly that you forget you were unsettled.
That's my best description of Mesa, a very actively haunted area.
Do u know if 533 E. 4th Place is haunted? I used to live here and me and my siblings always heard noises at that house. How can i get information about the property or the history of it?
ReplyDeleteHey, The city registrar is where you can find out the past owners. You can also try doing a google search with the address in it to see if any reports had been made of crimes there. Hope that helps.
ReplyDeleteI have done what you said and i cant find anything about the house but that it was sold anything else you can recommend?
ReplyDeleteWhat were the crossroads, my neighborhood was haunted too.
DeleteMy sister lives at Val Vista and university. and heard av little girl in her house
DeleteTry emailing citymgt.info@mesaaz.gov
ReplyDeleteand see if where you can get listings on who has owned a certain home address over the decades. Good luck.
i'd like to see the cemetary and have the feeling other people did the good,bad feeling.i live at 650 south country club dr mesa,az 85210 mesa ridge apts.do u know where any their are any haunted places close to me near 8th ave and country club dr.i would like to know if mesa ridge apts are haunted where we are liveing.i would like to also know if the adult probation is haunted untivearsy and main is haunted
ReplyDeleteHey Jennifer; There was a convergence of HoHoKam waterway canals right beside the hospital at Country Club and Brown. You can look online for some maps of the old canalways but the haunting issues seem to run along them. Here's one map:http://www.waterhistory.org/histories/hohokam2/
ReplyDeleteBusinesses in the area haven't done a lot of reporting with issues, but that's pretty common. They either don't want to deal with it or won't recognize it, but lots of residents do have problems. Once again, along these canalways that were very dense in Mesa.
My name is Ashley & my house is very haunted. I have been attacked in my house my kids have seen thing's you get touched you hear talking & sometimes they r talking 2 you & the ghost's let u see them even if you dont want 2 my 5 yr old sleeps in the hall cuz it is the only place he feels safe at night. The ghost's we have are women,kids, men & a dark shadow man he is the worst. The kids would play with my kids & talk 2 them 2
ReplyDeleteIf u need some invastagation for free leeme know im so in tk all of this parnamal stuff
ReplyDeleteI would suggest you contact the API group and let them know. www.arizonaparanormalinvestigations.com
They are a very good group and very helpful.
K thank u
ReplyDeleteI was not surprised to hear about the Landmark being haunted. I live near by, almost across the street and have had these same heavy and uneasy feelings, both at the Landmark and my home. Nothing scary, just unsettling and very interesting!
ReplyDelete245 W. 10th Place, right by hospital at Country Club and Brown... Believe these 2 story apartments were built on old burial ground. Lived there long ago, so did sister and her husband as well as my mother. We all have seen things from what looked like a small child that runs around the upstairs of back apartment to pictures coming off walls, growls, cabinets open, mists, bad feelings and what sounds like a little girl crying or screaming from near the pool area. Also before wall put up at end of 10th place, would see mists and shadow figures walking that would just disappear. Very eerie feeling overall.
ReplyDeleteIf you still live in Mesa, I would like to interview you for my YouTube channel, Oracle Amy. I live right around the corner from the hospital.
DeleteHi! I know I’m 7 years late, haha! But, my mom and sister and I actually lived at 245 w 10th place unit #14 for 6 years 20 years ago. My mom was almost possessed and taken from a demon, I’ve seen the demon I’ve associated and talked to the little girl you’re explaining about because I was so young and sensitive at the time. I remember her name, what she looks like and I’m 20 now!! I was only 1 up to 5 years old at the time of everything.
DeleteMy mom and I just went to visit the town homes actually last night and saw and old Indian man standing outside and we approached him just asking question since it’s been 20 years and he goes “oh what unit did you guys live in” and we explained we lived in unit 14 and he goes “no way that’s the unit my wife and I stay in” and we got kinda quiet and was like “uhm this may be a weird question but have you noticed anything odd” and his eyes I’m telling you got SO big like they were gonna pop out of his head and he goes “upstairs in the master bedroom” and my mom goes “yes.” And hes replies with “oh my gosh my wife was attacked my the d word” he doesn’t like to say demon. He mentioned though that they recently did a blessing in the house and they haven’t had any recent activity yet. So, it’s crazy to know after 20 years stuff was still going on to other people who kept moving in and out of there.
DeleteYup--that's right in the thick of the most active area in Mesa! Country Club and Brown is the center of it. I used to work at Mesa Lutheran Hospital in the ER and I have to say that place had some weird stuff in the office I worked in. Most often, when I get calls for help, it's folks smack dab in that area. Lots of mists, voices, doors slamming, poltergeist type stuff. Very interesting.
ReplyDeleteCan anybody get me any information on a house. The address is 2550 N 87St Mesa Az 85207. I've had friends tell me that they have seen things in the Windows and heard voices.....
ReplyDeleteOther than googling the address to see if it was mentioned in the news, the City Registrar would be able to let you know who has lived there before and then you could look them up and see if they were in the news. History of houses can be a tough search.
ReplyDeleteOk thank you very much
ReplyDeleteso i've heard at the petco on university and gilbert is haunted. my friend and some of the other employee's have had some paranormal activity. my friend has heard noises behind her the lockers shifted, and shes heard footsteps. another employee said they heard someone in the bathroom and then walked up knocked on the door no one answered she knocked again and opened the door and no one was in there. customers have reported a man, a cat walking around, and a little girl being mischievous. let me tell you one thing, there is no cat walking around the building, the cat passed away about 4 years ago and they havent had one since.
ReplyDeleteThat's really interesting. It's right in the middle of the active alley of haunted locations. If the manager would be interested in having a team come in, I'd suggest www.arizonaparanormalinvestigations.com because they are extremely discrete and professional and I am associated with them and can vouch for their abilities and techniques.
ReplyDeletei will defiantly mention it to my friend. i find it intriguing that ghost are among us. I've personally had experiences in many places. But anyways i will definitely let her know.
ReplyDeleteI lived at 2165 E University Dr. We would hear footsteps upstairs when no one was there. We heard people talking and walking up and down the stairs next door when that home was empty. Would get an uneasy heavy feeling in the home. .
ReplyDeleteWow. You know, after the reaction to this Haunted Mesa post, I think it's time for me to do another post about this and work out some theories and perhaps a map of some these locales. I have gotten dozens and dozens of people in Mesa contacting me about haunting issues. I think it's time to put it all together and see what's going on. Thanks. Oh, and many of the things you're describing, teh footsteps and voices, feelings of being watched, poltergeist activity and shadowpeople are very prevalent there.
ReplyDeleteI was interested in the underground tunnels that I heard were under downtown main street, do you know anything about that?
ReplyDeleteTrying to post again. During Prohibition times, there were speakeasys under Mesa. Every Halloween the city sells tickets to see them.
DeleteI've heard about that in most cities in AZ from Phoenix to Globe, Bisbee to Flag. I haven't heard anyone verify it. I know tunnels most often were used for moving prostitutes or customers in and out of whore houses in mining towns usually. Still, no one has admitted that I know of, that they exist there.
ReplyDeleteThe Globe tunnels are verified...I did the ghost tour of the city and that was one of the highlights....
DeleteI'm a Mesa native and have had a very unsettling experience in a classroom on the lower level of the current Mesa High School main building. It was near the end of the semester and my class was watching a movie with the lights off and I felt as though someone poked me in my left shoulder. None of my classmates were in reach of my shoulder and when I looked, there was no one behind me.
ReplyDeleteIs Penny Tree Apts haunted I felt like it was its locatef on Brodway and 2nd ave
ReplyDeleteI've heard of Broadway and 2nd Avenue having issues with some residents. That's interesting. I'm going to start compiling all this info and see what we can come up with theory-wise.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know anything about the nesbits campground on mckelups and power somthing about satanic worshiping there's buildings in that area any info ??
ReplyDeleteI happened upon it a few times when dirt biking when I was a kid, in my teens back in the late 80's through early 90's. Down a dirt path, there was a large sign hanging over the entire width of the path that said NESBITS, which led to a central fire pit surrounded by a pentagram and stone block seating. An old shed had what appeared to be torture tables and devices. I saw drawings of goats and other freaky stuff that scared me and kept me far away. Most the locals my age knew of it and we all stayed clear of it.
DeletePlz do more research in mesa .I live in Gilbert n university area..I see figures in my house.. voices downstairs when I'm upstairs..footsteps next door when no one lives there..and things come up missing and reappear in funny places like spoons under your pillow..hairspray on stairs ...
ReplyDeleteI am doing a study of Mesa because of the high incidence of reports and similar types of activity. This is interesting. Thanks so much for reporting it.
ReplyDeleteHello Autumn,
ReplyDeleteI see you have a lot of insight on ghost, and I think your just the girl I need to talk to. I just moved here to Arizona about 6 months ago with my bf. He's sooo not a fan of scary things. But back home I did it a lot. There is soo many great place to ghost hunt. But I can't seem to find anything that you can seek out at night time. I would LOVE to go to the Insane Asylum in Phoenix. But I pretty sure you'd need permission for that. Anyway, I met someone down here that would be willing to take me ghost hunting. Either Scottsdale, Tempe, Mesa or Phoenix area. I'd really appreciate the help!
~Cambria :)
Hey Cambria;
ReplyDeleteI know that there is a ghost tour at Hotel San Carlos downtown. Not sure if it's running in the winter, but they're called Phoenix Ghost Tours. Also, www.mvdghostchasers.com has a workshop for the public four times a year and those are really cool with them going to some neat haunted locations. If you go to www.meetup.com there is a Phoenix Paranormal group. I sometimes go to their meetings. They're holding off meetings until the new year so everyone can have the holidays off, but they have fantastic subjects and speakers and you can meet other paranormal folks. Hope that helps!
They do an awesome job! I have investigated with them several times over the last 6 years!
DeleteThank you SOOO much Autumn! :)
ReplyDeleteHey autum I'm a ghost and would love to scare lisa g in mesa ...I stole her plant in her house..and its doing fine..love shauncy the tant tickle ghost
ReplyDeleteHow can i find out if my neighbors house is haunted? They say they see a little girl ghost in they're house a couple times a year.
ReplyDeleteWhen it's someone else's residence, they would have to be willing to bring in a team to check it out. My team is API which can be found at www.arizonaparanormalinvestigations.com and if the family wants to find out if it's haunted or not, a team like ours would be the route to go.
DeleteIt is nice to read someone say what I have believed for years...I live in the center of a bunch and wouldn't trade living here for anything!
ReplyDeleteUnderground tunnels in downtown Mesa? I could see that. They have basements in a few of the shops, like a painting store and one of the antique stores. I went to look at some of the paintings in that store, and the basement was really creepy. Downtown Mesa is awesome though. That would be cool if they had some creepy back story.
ReplyDeleteMy ex husband was a Paramedic years ago in Mesa. He got a call one day to go to the Mormon Temple to aid a man with cheat pains. He and his coworker got there and a older man meet them and said the man having chest discomfort is downstairs and that they were not permitted downstairs. Only certain select people of the Morman church were allowed downstairs/basement area. The man wanted my husband to call to a phone that was downstairs and verbally walk another man through what to do to help the chest pained man. My husband was pissed and felt it was a prank and started to leave. The man said no, wait. He left and came back after 5 min and said only 1 of you can go down with me to the basement where the man with chest pains was. So my husband went. Several men of the church went with my husband, walking behind, in front, and to the sides of my husband, as if blocking him from wondering off or seeing something he wasn't suppose to see. They went through several doors, walked down several stairs, walked through several winding hallways, passing several rooms with closed doors. All the halls were painted white. No pictures. The men didnt talk to my husband on the way to the ill man and they hurried my husband to the place the man was. My husband said they went through a maze to get to the man and it was like a tunnel underground where the room was. It was musty and cool. He finally got to the old sick man. The old man was dressed in all white. A suit. With a white beard. The other 4 men with him had white suits on also. My husband went right to work on the man. I believe he had a stroke. My husband did what he could and said he has to go to the hospital. The men said they would take him to the hospital, refusing the ambulance and escorted my husband back upstairs. Before my husband left the basement, 3 of the men in white took my husband aside and asked him not to reveal or discuss where he had been or anything he may have seen. My husband actually laughed out loud thinking they were kidding. They were not. My husband told the men that all he saw were hallways and doors and a sick man. He was then escorted back upstairs. When my husband left, he talked to his partner about the weirdness of it all. His partner knew about the basement tunnels and said he went into a portion of a tunnel when he was a kid from a store off mainstreet that is family use to own. So there is definatly tunnels in downtown mesa. Especially under the Morman Temple expanding under the lawn of the temple and who knows where else.
DeleteLet me get this straight...911 gets a call about an old guy with chestpains in the middle of an underground tunnel maze..and the temple moron will only let 1 parmedic guy go help,,but only with an escort of mormon guys that lead him thru and the only thing thats said is dont tell anybody what you see!!!!??? Omfg..this is the worst "ghost story" i have ever read. You could probably hold your head underwater until the bubbles goaway.
DeleteI've heard a similar story from a mesa cop.
DeleteMy grandma use to own tgat antique plaza and sold it after 15 years for unknown reasons the business was great
DeleteMy grandma use to own tgat antique plaza and sold it after 15 years for unknown reasons the business was great
DeleteTry my apt. 604 w. 8th ave mesa park apts. Pots n pans falling. Sound of a mans breathing in one room. Doors opening n closing. Sound of foot steps in the kitchen n hallway
ReplyDeletei live on country club and mckellips, at bayview apartments and my son has had some major activity in his closet (mainly). I read someone else say something about a shadowy figure of a man and that he is bad, i think i have the same thing. i have pictures of it as well, my son calls him the lone man, he's three. ive had his door open by itself, toys go off by them selves, faces in pictures (mens faces), I even think my son may have been possessed one night.
ReplyDeleteHi, AutumnForest, I have lived in Mesa for 16 years, moved here at 14 with my mother and two younger siblings. I have lived in a dosen places here and the oneswhere that stand out are the house off Recker and MnKellips that we rented in my late teens, early twenties, and the house my husband and I owned for six years at ValVista and Main (east).
ReplyDeleteI won't go into detail about my experiences, but I will say that we are all faithful Mormons, and yes, we do believe in the paranormal. It's just more of a spiritual thing for us than ooky-kookie ghostiness. I think, actually, we have some of the better experiences because we aren't expecting them when they happen.
I know you wrote this article a year ago, but I really enjoyed reading it and I live up the street so maybe a nice cool Saturday we'll take our boys up there and have a stroll. You description of that undulating energy currant is dead on (no pun intended. )
I went on a tour of 9937 E University Drive home in Mesa and you could feel multiple spirits throughout the home,but I can't find any history on the place aside from being built in 1950.
ReplyDeleteThat house was sold in Sept 2015. Eek
DeleteWonder if the new owners knew about the previous ghoat tours in their new home.
You can see pics of the inside still from real estate website. House is creepy and has wierd layout and nooks. 1 bedroom looked very dark even though sun was shining right through the window. The place looks like it needs to be bull dozed. http://m.estately.com/listings/info/9937-e-university-drive
DeleteI have lived in Mesa for over 40 years, My earliest memories go back to a small apartment in the country club and 8th ave area. I had what others called an "imaginary friend" that I played with regularly. I don't remember much about this friend...just that someone was present with me when I was alone. We moved into a house south of southern just east of mesa dr. there was an energy of what I would call Evil in that area. And lots of bad things happened growing up in that neighborhood that I don't care to relate as they are far too personal. When I got into my 20's I started to realize that I was somewhat different than others...I could feel energies and see aura's and some times have feelings that where'nt my own. I didn't understand it and still don't but I believe I am some what Clairsentient. I say this because where ever I go. I can "feel" the energy of that area. Sometimes I just look at a picture and get overwhelmed with emotions that aren't mine. I have been to the Landmark...I won't go back. I once climbed the fence to the cemetary after dark and was overwhelmed with what I think is spirits trying to contact me. Every where I go I can "feel" them, most are benevelant and just seem to want me to know they are there, but a few....well lets just say I don't like the feeling I get from them.
ReplyDeleteDo you have a Facebook page?
DeleteSouth Scottsdale is also haunted. Anything south of McDowell Road is a definite hot spot. Perhaps like you said, the HoHoKam dwelt along the river and their extinction a mystery.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know the address of the house where the fire occurred and killed the family?
ReplyDeleteI lived in that neighborhood on Keats our house was extremely haunted I almost lost it family thought I was on drugs..
DeleteI have lived in Arizona for most of my life, I was 4 when I moved here, I have had several things happen around me all my life in many places i have lived. When I was younger I lived Dodson / Main, We had a spirit that like to pull pranks, lights go on & off by them selves, things would be moved & so on. I was young then I could see things too & have been able all my life. The spirits there were friendly just couldn't pass over for what ever reason. Then from there Stapley / Broadway the same thing, then Gilbert/ 60, & Lost Dutchman / Ironwood AJ, Unniversity/Sossman & the house I live in now that I have lived in for more then 10 yrs has a few spirits that are always around. I think with me it's more not the place but the person, It happens every where I go. But I will say Mesa is very active in many places . & yes Mesa has tunnels they have a tour with the museum every Oct the do there ghost hunt it's informative. & fun. One of the haunted stores down in Mesa is Mystic Paper the basement is active. The old JJ New berry store that was down town mesa was very active it's still there just a different name.
ReplyDeleteHello the jefferson park ghost is based on the girl who was murdered in emerald park in mesa. I have been there with friends and have actually seen a full body apparition
ReplyDeleteI used to stay at my gf house in mesa by mesa dr n franklin n her mom would wake up with scratches n i would see shadows all the time someone told me it used to be a halfway home
ReplyDeletemy daughter has been hearing voices, one keeps telling her to get out we have also seen shadows and people, hearing walking and running throughout the house. I have tried searching for the history of the house but do you know if anything ever happened near e kael circle in mesa
ReplyDeleteIs that neighborhood east of Westwood HS? I grew up on Vineyard and that whole neighborhood is haunted by pioneer type ghosts, and there's a house on Orange Circle that used to be a general store and my house was an old barracks for injured soldiers.
DeleteI lived at Playa Palms Apts on Country Club and Guadalupe area in Gilbert and my apt was defiantly haunted. Can't find any info about it online.
ReplyDeleteBalls of light flying around and then shooting into the air vent. Feeling of being watched. Things moved. Tapping on window or walls. Scratching in walls. (Not rat scratch either). I woke up around 2am hearing my 2 yr old daughter talking. She said a.lady was in her room and wanted her to go with her. Creepola. My daughter slept with me for abt 2 weeks after that. Also, TV turned off and on. Channels changed by themselves.telephone always had interference. I saw a boy in overalls in my bedroom.I lived there from 96 to 98. It is also close to railroad tracks.
I've always felt watched in my home witch is right next to Jefferson Park. I recently adopted 2 kittens and while holding them, they both suddenly tensed up and stared intently in the same direction at seemingly nothing... and I couldn't get them to look anywhere else for quite a while... even offering food didn't break their focus from the area they were staring at. Needless to say, it really freaked me out! I live at a house on Aspen Ave.- off of Jefferson which runs along Jefferson Park. Any other reports from residents in this area?
ReplyDeleteWe moved to Jefferson and Birchwood. Our house was right off Jefferson next to the park. There was many times weird stuff would happen. If wasn't a ton but, just feeling like your being watched, radio turning on by itself, and there was one night my mom asked by I was lifting weights at 3 am (i had dumbells in my room)... I told her I was dead asleep... My mom said she heard the weights banging a little and heavy breathing (again I was dead asleep)... We don't know if it was something that followed us from the previous house or something that was already there in the area.
DeleteI am born and raised here in mesa. I lived in a very old pink 2 story house on val vista and mckellips back in the Orange groves. I lived there since I was born to 15. They ended up tearing it down to build New homes. Anyway, that house was legitimately haunted. I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers that all lived there and we all have experiences. Stuff being thrown, bed Shaking, whispering, baby crying outside behind the house, and madness being called it in the Orange groves when no one was there. Wondering if anyone has ever visited the house. W moved out and it stayed standing for another2 years. I have a few friends that before I knew them visited there and felt and saw things we did. I still have nightmares of that place. A lot of negative things happened there. One of my brothers Also added to the craziness by practicing black magic there when I was super young. Has anyone heard of this pink house I'm speaking of?
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know if the Old Tribune building on 1st Ave. and Robson is haunted? It is now a DES Building and several employees have heard, felt, or seen something they can not explain while in that building
ReplyDeleteWe live at Gilbert and University and have had a ton of weird things happen in our townhouse. Footsteps upstairs night and day, feeling of being pushed down the stairs, feeling of being watched, things have flown off of the walls, sounds like someone is turning front door handle, bad luck constantly, animals looking up stairs growling, closets opening on their own and more. We sage and sage, but it doesn't seem to help. It makes me wonder if the house itself is haunted or if it is the land. Who knows what was here before the townhomes were built...
ReplyDeleteWe lived in that same area and had weird things happen too. Same with some neighbors we had there.
DeleteDoes anyone know about the house on 1460 N Shill Dr. When I was a kid, I'd hear weird stories about it, since it looks weird and is just on top of the hill overlooking that elementary school. Looks kinda eerie to me.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know about the house on 1460 N Shill Dr? When I was a kid, I'd hear weird stories about it, since it looks kinda eerie there on top of the hill overlooking the elementary school. It also looks super different from all the other houses.
ReplyDeleteI must disagree with the fact that the Mesa Cemetery is not a good place for EVP. I parked outside the cemetery on the canal bordering the south side, and what I collected was astonishing. Messages that were incredibly clear, and some, quite daunting. There was nobody else in the area besides my wife and my daughter, who were with me. There was a child's voice that came through, "I just fell down the front stairs" or a man's voice stating, "It's a full moon." There was female voice calling to "Grandma," and many more. The most compelling voice came with an evil feeling, who commanded us to "Get Out." As were were departing the cemetery, heading towards Country Club Blvd, that same voice told us twice, in a very scary tone. "Good bye ... GOOD BYE! Never before, and not since, have I collected such clear messages.
ReplyDeleteRandy C Watts